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General Terms And Conditions

Information for consumers on distance contracts and customer information for e-commerce contracts

§ 1 Scope

For business relations between us and the customer, the following general terms and conditions in their version valid at the time of the order are valid for orders via the internet shop.

§ 2 Conclusion

The presentation of our products in our website contains only a request to the customer to submit a contract offer.
By sending an order, the customer submits an offer within the meaning of § 145 BGB. The customer will receive a confirmation of receipt of the order by e-mail.

The contract with us comes about if we accept the offer of the customer in writing or in writing within 2 working days after sending the order. Decisive in this respect is the time of receipt of the declaration of acceptance by the customer.

Business Day is any calendar day that is not Sunday or nationwide public holiday.

§ 3 delivery, shipping costs, transfer of risk

Delivery will be made at the shipping costs stated in the individual case. If the customer is a consumer, regardless of the shipping method, we always bear the shipping risk. If the customer is an entrepreneur, all risks and dangers of the shipment pass to the customer as soon as the goods have been handed over by us to the commissioned logistics partner.

§ 4 Retention of title

The delivered goods remain our property until full payment of the purchase price.

§ 5 payments

Only the payment methods displayed to the customer during the ordering process will be accepted.

§ 6 Liability for Defects

There are statutory warranty rights.

§ 7 Information for consumers in distance contracts and customer information for electronic commerce contracts

a) We are not subject to special codes of conduct not mentioned above.

b) Any input errors when placing your order can be identified by the final confirmation before submitting your contract declaration and corrected at any time using the deletion and modification function before sending the order.

c) The essential characteristics of the goods offered by us as well as the period of validity of limited offers can be found in the individual product descriptions within our Internet offer.

d) The language available for the contract is German.

e) Complaints and warranty claims can be made under the address indicated in the provider identification.

f) The contract text is not saved by us and therefore is not accessible to you as a customer after conclusion of the contract.

g) For payment, delivery or fulfillment details, please refer to the offer.

§ 8 Miscellaneous

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to the contractual relationship between us and the customer as well as to the respective terms and conditions. If the customer is a consumer, the provisions of this agreement shall not be affected by the law of the country in which the consumer is habitually resident, the law applicable to the consumer and the rights which may not be derogated from by agreement. The application of UN sales law is excluded.

V SN 41

Lucky Rebel & Moonlight - Doberaner Str. 43b - 18057 Rostock - Germany

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